Looking for an equity position in someone's business or project as a program creator, a rainmaker, an angel investor, a social media influencer, a seasoned business mentor, a web developer or a virtual assistant?
Create your listing today!
(Watch Time 1 min 34 seconds)
Stand-Out To The Right People!
Create a listing in one of the 7 Categories 
Program Creator - a person that can create, fulfillment, teach or train your audience, class or program
Rainmakers - a person who brokers deals or facilitates leveraged essential connections 
Angel Investors - a person who brings money to your business in exchange for equity or interest
Social Media Influencers - a person who has influence and leverages it to redirect traffic to a specific place
Seasoned Business Mentors - a person who guides others through a successful business path for equity or fee
Web Developers - a person who builds complex fully functioning apps, websites and code related programs
Virtual Assistants - a person who provides administrative, technical, or creative assistance remotely
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